For appointments contact us at: 347-341-9324
For questions & recommendations email us at:
Follow us on:
Instagram: @KristhelBeautySalon
Facebook: Kristhel Beauty Salon
Check us out on: Yelp & Google
We are located at: 282 Ridgewood Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11208.
Nearby train station: J train to Norwood ave, walk up Norwood ave a total of one block, in direction to Ridgewood Ave, make a right turn at Ridgewood Ave and walk one block towards Logan Street, we are the 3rd store front to the right.
Nearby Buses: Q56 - Stay at the Jamaica and Logan stop, walk down Logan a total of two blocks towards Ridgewood Ave, cross the street and make a left, we are the 3rd store front to your right.
Q24 - stay at the Atlantic & Logan stop and walk up Logan a total of two blocks towards Ridgewood Ave and make a right, we are the 3rd store front to your right.
Street parking is available!